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June 5 - 8, 2017
Max 8 Photographers 



Within a small radius of Drumheller, Alberta you will find contrasting landscapes rich in diversity.  These natural-scapes in the form of wafer-thin horizons and undulating, arid rock formations provide dramatic subject matter for photographers.  Hues within the layers of sediment found in the canyons, coulees and hoodoos appear to change in shape and texture over the course of a day, depending on the angle of the light.  And the vast grasslands and savannas of the prairies, with their colossal skies, provide a perfect panorama for a sunset shoot.  Join us on this exciting four day journey through the Canadian Badlands.   




3 nights accommodation including breakfast

2 dinners 

2 lunches

Private tour of a hamlet in the heart of the Badlands

Professional one-to-one photography instruction by Barry J Brady

Comprehensive course notes

Pre-trip planning and communication




Flights and car rental

Gas, insurance, extra mileage on car rental

Meals (not mentioned)

Travel and equipment insurance




How to use advanced composition techniques to convey the scene

Learn how to photograph the epic vastness in "big sky" country

How to photograph using minimalist techniques

Learning to see creatively using shapes and colours

Lowlight and night photography techniques




We’ll drive to various locations.  Subject matter includes (but not limited to) old granaries, ghost town relics, abandoned buildings, coulees, hoodoos and vast prairie vistas.  We’ll enjoy Albertan style hospitality; a touch of storytelling; arts and culture; and a tour of a small hamlet hosted by a sixth generation Alberta rancher.  This photo trip will provide plenty of opportunity to capture striking images of a bygone era before it disappears while experiencing the landscape and the local culture.


Note: You will need to arrange your own transportation.  You’re welcome to self-drive in your own vehicle if the location is convenient, or you can fly to Calgary and rent a vehicle.  Rosebud is a 1hr 15min drive from Calgary.  We encourage carpooling with other photographers on the trip to share the cost of vehicle rental, gas etc 




It would be great if you know how to use your camera on manual mode using settings like ISO, aperture, shutter speed and the light meter in your camera.  But if not, don't worry, the whole point of the trip is to get to know your camera and improve your photography knowledge and skills.  If you want to chat about this give me a call or send me an email. 




We will be driving to each vantage point.  We will be walking short distances to each vantage point.  Some stretches might require walking on uneven terrain.  Comfortable walking shoes are recommended and the ability to carry your camera gear with your tripod to various locations.  While we won’t be doing any strenuous hiking, there are portions of the marked trails that might have gradual up and down sections.




Camera - DSLR or mirrorless

A selection of lenses - wide angle lenses to medium range zoom lenses

Tripod - sturdy and weather resistant

Cable Release - not essential - optional

ND and ND graduated filters - not essential - optional

Spare batteries or battery packs

Laptop with Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop for image editing

From $1580 CAD 

per person sharing

single supplement add $170 CAD Deposit workshop: $620 CAD

Deposit accommodation: $235 CAD


June 5: We will meet at our stylish accommodation in Rosebud (1hr 15min from Calgary), Alberta.  After settling in, we’ll gather in the lounge for a meet and greet, do an equipment check and go over the agenda for the trip.  Thereafter we’ll enjoy our first dinner of the trip at our accommodation.


June 6: Our first stop after breakfast is at Horsethief Canyon on the east bank of the Red Deer River.  It’s then off to photograph the relics and abandoned buildings of one or two prairie towns north of Drumheller.  This should take us to lunchtime where we will be hosted by a talented and industrious couple at their Bed and Breakfast in Drumheller. En-route back to our accommodation we’ll stop at the viewpoint of Horseshoe Canyon depicting Badland topography.  After dinner, if the conditions are favourable, we’ll set out for our evening shoot overlooking the Drumheller Valley and Dinosaur Trail.


June 7: Today we head south to photograph the vast prairie landscapes, country barns and big skies.  We’ll spend time capturing the striking hoodoo formations before we enjoy lunch and a tour of a pioneering hamlet, led by a 6th generation Alberta rancher.  Our afternoon shoot takes place at a windfarm in Wheatland County.  We’ll have dinner in the town of Drumheller before heading out for our evening shoot if the conditions are favourable.


June 8: We’ll start the day with an early morning photowalk through the picturesque village of Rosebud.  It’s back for breakfast and a chance to share our experiences before we pack and say our goodbyes.

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Disclaimer: As most of our photo trips take place outdoors in nature, we are at the behest of the elements.  While we can’t guarantee you the ideal weather conditions for our trips, we will certainly make every effort to provide you with a memorable and worthwhile experience.  Regardless of the weather, you will be immersed in photography, learning to make beautiful images and using your camera gear in all situations.  And the bonus is you get to travel to new places, meet other photographers and improve your photography skills.  

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